Buying A Property Under Construction: Your Investment In The Future!

Buying a property is one of the most important financial decisions you can make in life. When it comes to real estate, one option that is gaining popularity and offering numerous benefits is the purchase of pre-construction properties. But why opt for a property that has not yet been built? 5 Reasons to Consider Buying a Preconstruction Property: Attractive initial price and appreciation...


Education in The Dominican Republic

Education is very important for the development of society, and in the Dominican Republic it isno different. The country has a well-structured education system that offers learning opportunitiesto all students from primary school to university. In this article, we will explore this educationalsystem and learn about the main aspects of education at the primary level in the DominicanRepublic. In the...


Nightlife in the Dominican Republic

The popular and well-known clubs of Sosúa and Cabarete have always been a meetingpoint for lovers of good music and nightlife. These towns are located in the north of theThe Dominican Republic has a lot to offer in terms of atmospheres, from Latin music toreggae, going through electronics. Nightlife in Sosua Each disco offers a unique experience for its visitors. Sosúa's nightclubs, for...


Real Estate Taxes in the Dominican Republic

Real estate taxes in the Dominican Republic are additional costs associated with buying or selling aproperty. These costs vary depending on the location and the taxes that must be paid. Closingcosts, property expenses, and property taxes are some factors that must be considered when buying,selling, or transferring property in the Dominican Republic. Closing Costs Closing cost refers to the expenses...

Rent a car in Dominican Republic

Rent a car in Dominican Republic

Are you planning a getaway to Sosua or Cabarete? If so, a great way to enjoy your stay in this beautiful city is to rent a car. This will allow you the freedom to enjoy the city's attractions without having to worry about buses or transit services. Also, it will give you the opportunity to explore the surroundings of the city without having to worry about transportation. If you want to enjoy all these...


How to Finance a Home in Dominican Republic

In the Dominican Republic, there are many facilities for financing a house, villa or apartment, we have banks with the best financing rate in the country, so acquiring your home in the Dominican Republic can be an excellent investment, and in case you do not have the total amount you still can put a down payment and finance the rest. Home financing is nothing more than the mechanism that allows the...


Christmas Traditions in Dominican Republic

Don't miss it, today's blog is dedicated to the way Christmas, New Year's Eve, and Epiphany are celebrated in the Dominican Republic, not so different from European and American traditions. Starting October on October, a variety of typical Christmas songs such as "Volvió Juanita," "Una Juma," "Llegó la Navidad," and "El Pavo y el Burro. .", among others. Christmas Eve Traditionally, Christmas...

Buying a Home in The Dominican Republic

Buying a Home in The Dominican Republic

This article serves as an exemplary guide for tourists who are interested in real estate in the Dominican Republic, to: buy, invest, negotiate, and vacation with family. Content Description A view to Paradise DR tourist investment approach. Place and popularity Know your product, the location, and the management of areas. Contact Communication is in essence to know the steps to...


This article serves as an exemplary guide for tourists interested in the real estate world of the Dominican Republic, to: buy, invest, negotiate and vacation with the family. Contents Description A view of the Paradise D.R. center of tourist attraction investment focus. Place and Popularity Know your product, location and management areas. Contacts Communication is essentially to know the...

The top 2 ranked Supermarkets in Sosua

The top 2 ranked Supermarkets in Sosua

The city of Sosua has two top ranked supermarkets where you can find a variety of products from the Dominican Republic but also from overseas.  1. Supermercado Playero Supermercado Playero is situated on the main road of Sosua. It offers a huge selection of food from different nations. If you like to buy German sausage, bacon, smoked salmon and frozen fish, then you are in the right place. They...

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